Opportunity Summary:
The Johns Hopkins-MedImmune Scholars Program is a first-of-its-kind Ph.D. training program jointly implemented by the Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Innovation in Graduate Biomedical Education and MedImmune, the global biologics research and development arm of AstraZeneca. As part of our ongoing efforts to identify new collaborative opportunities through this program, we are soliciting proposals from Johns Hopkins investigators interested in working together with MedImmune investigators to mentor JHU graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. degree in the biomedical sciences with relevance to the areas of cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic diseases including but not limited to the following research topics;
Cardiovascular health & disease
Heart failure
Cardiac regeneration
Reactive oxygen species in cardiovascular disease
Renal function in cardiovascular disease
Type 2 Diabetes
Beta cell function
Lipid metabolism
Adipocyte dysfunction
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
Hepatocyte maturation/hepatic stem cells
Mitochondrial fission/fusion
Benefits of the Program:
While the main objective of the program is to provide students with broader exposure to translational research by collaborating with one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the world, getting involved in the program as a mentor will bring a range of benefits that would allow JHU investigators to;
(i) grow existing research projects into a new direction;
(ii) access resources and technologies that are not available at Johns Hopkins;
(iii) gain knowledge about the current landscape of pharmaceutical research and development;
(iv) expand scientific networks outside the academic sector;
(v) engage in multidisciplinary research to tackle bigger challenges in health science;
(vi) receive financial support to cover partial cost of graduate student stipend and benefits
Johns Hopkins investigators affiliated with at least one Ph.D.-granting program at any of the schools of the Johns Hopkins University are eligible to apply for this opportunity. Investigators who do not currently mentor graduate students are also encouraged to apply as long as they are eligible to mentor Ph.D. candidates.
Proposal Format:
Use the template which is linked below to provide two key elements required in the proposal; (i) a brief overview of research interests pursued by your lab and their potential relevance to cardiovascular, renal, and/or metabolic diseases; (ii) a brief description of potential Ph.D. thesis projects that you can envision for a MedImmune scholar in your lab.
Click here to download a proposal form
Submit a completed form and your NIH-format biosketch as attachments to [email protected]
Proposal Deadline: June 29, 2018
Review Process:
Proposals will be reviewed by members of the Johns Hopkins-MedImmune Joint Management Committee. The Committee will select up to five proposals for further consideration based on (i) relevance to MedImmune’s therapeutic interests; (ii) potential for synergy; (iii) availability of a qualified MedImmune mentor; and (iv) potential to develop a workable Ph.D. thesis project. Qualifying applicants will then be contacted by the Committee to initiate in-depth discussions with potential co-mentors at MedImmune and to formulate a joint Ph.D. thesis plan.
For more information about the program, please visit https://drugdiscovery.jhu.edu/jhmsp/
For any questions about the proposal, please contact [email protected]